
Nobody likes a crooked or gapped smile. In reality, the majority of people with crooked or gapped teeth are extremely self-conscious about their appearance, and live their lives not smiling. Your Spring, TX Invisalign provider, Dr. Maisa M. Idriss has the ability to change that using one of the most revolutionary orthodontic treatments ever created, the Invisalign system.

Invisalign consists of a series of virtually invisible clear aligners that you replace every two weeks. Each aligner is custom-made and is designed to progressively shift your teeth into proper alignment. Because each aligner is specially made for your bite and smile, you can rest assured that Invisalign will be creating a smile that truly fits you.

We will first start by examining your mouth including your teeth, jaws, jaw joints, muscles, and view them as a complete functional system and decide whether Invisalign is the correct treatment. The doctor will then take precise impressions of your teeth that are submitted to the Invisalign labs. Using the latest advances in 3-D computer technology, Align Technology will create your custom aligners based upon the doctor’s instructions. Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks, shifting your teeth gradually millimeter by millimeter every week until the very best results have been achieved. The typical turnaround on a full Invisalign treatment usually last about 12 months, however each case is different and may require more or less time.

Invisalign Express consists of a maximum of 10 trays in the system, which is a minimum of 20 weeks of treatment not including retainer treatment. This is for cases that require little movement, mild crowding and mild to no rotation. It is a great system for rebound cases of people who had braces before.

Unlike traditional metal braces that everyone can see, Invisalign is almost completely invisible and undetectable. Invisalign will not hold you back because you can completely remove your aligners to eat, drink, brush and floss.  You will also enjoy the comfort of not feeling irritation to your gums and cheeks because unlike tradition metal braces, Invisalign has smooth edges.

If you are ready to transform your appearance and live your life smiling, call your Spring, Texas Invisalign provider Dr. Maisa M. Idriss today.