Health Benefits of Invisalign

If you are investigating Invisalign, you likely already know about the many benefits of Invisalign as compared to braces.  But did you know that Invisalign offers a number of oral health benefits, as well?  Read on to learn more about the health benefits of straightening your smile with Invisalign at our Spring, Texas office, then contact Dr. Maisa M. Idriss to schedule a free Invisalign consultation where you can learn whether you are a candidate for Invisalign.

Healthier Teeth

When teeth are crooked, they form nooks that are difficult to clean and invite bacteria that can cause cavities and tooth loss.  In addition to helping prevent decay and cavities, straightening the teeth can also alleviate a number of dental issues caused by misaligned teeth, such as jaw stress, trauma to jaw bone and jaw joints, chipping, grinding, and abnormal or uneven wear on the teeth.

Healthier Gums

When teeth are crooked or misaligned, the fit between the gums and the teeth can be loose, creating a gap where food particles may become lodged and invite gum disease or tooth decay.  Overcrowding can also cause gums to become swollen and red and invite gum disease.

A Cleaner Mouth

With Invisalign, our Spring, Texas patients can remove their aligners for thorough brushing and flossing, which is not always possible with braces.  Furthermore, braces are notorious for trapping food.  Invisalign aligners are removed before eating, eliminating this dental hygiene problem.

With Invisalign, patients are able to keep their teeth cleaner than many braces wearers can, reducing the oral bacteria that can cause cavities, mouth sores, bad breath, and tooth loss.

Overall Health Benefits of Invisalign

A number of studies have confirmed what dentists and orthodontists have known for decades: oral health has a strong correlation to overall health.  In a study conducted by the American Dental Association, researchers found that oral infections can contribute to much more serious conditions, including heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes, and stroke.  Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are removable so that patients can thoroughly brush and floss, reducing the likelihood of cavities and oral infections that can lead to serious health conditions.

Straightening the teeth with Invisalign can also alleviate a number of additional conditions that are caused by crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, such as headaches, jaw tension, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, and eating and speaking difficulties.

Contact us for Invisalign in Spring, Texas

Dr. Maisa M. Idriss and our team believe that a healthy smile is a beautiful smile, which is why we encourage our patients to straighten their teeth with Invisalign at our Spring, Texas office.  If you are interested in enhancing your smile both physically and aesthetically, contact us to schedule a free Invisalign consultation with Dr. Maisa M. Idriss.  During your consultation, Dr. Maisa M. Idriss will explain in detail the many benefits of straightening your teeth with Invisalign, and he will also discuss your treatment needs and goals to find out whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign.